April 5th, 2013, with the support of theDong Anh FF&P police team, Zamil Steel Buildings Vietnam has organized a session practicing FF&P with a sample situation of an explosive/firing case at the waste-containing area of the factory.

Periodical practice on Fire Fighting and Prevention (FF&P) (1st time/2013)
The case was discovered by a worker who was working nearby the firing place, and then the fire-alarming system gave signals to the whole company. The situation happened during working time and all staff quickly ran to assembling places outside; then staff practiced steps of checking strength, gave first aid to victims and fight the fire down…in compliance with the pre-defined scenario.
FF&P practice is anobligatory activity requiredas per the Vietnam’s laws on fire and explosive fighting and prevention, this is also an important program implemented by Zamil Steel Buildings Vietnam annually. As per our schedule, two annual trainings with practicingon sample situations will be carried in 2013. These practicing sessions will help to improve knowledge and skills in case of urgent situations at working place.